// HOME v3.0 let filterCurrentPage = 1; let techCurrentPage = 1; let popularCurrentPage = 1; let featuredCurrentPage = 1; let countPerPage = 1; let defaultCardCount = 1; // gets length of total pages function totalPages(array){ return Math.ceil(array.length / countPerPage); } // default card builder, and display when 'Less' is clicked function defaultCardBuilder(array){ if(window.innerWidth > 2000){ defaultCardCount = 5}; if(window.innerWidth < 2000 && window.innerWidth > 1800){ defaultCardCount = 5}; if(window.innerWidth < 1800 && window.innerWidth > 1450){ defaultCardCount = 4}; if(window.innerWidth < 1450 && window.innerWidth > 1100){ defaultCardCount = 4}; if(window.innerWidth < 1100 && window.innerWidth > 750){ defaultCardCount = 3}; if(window.innerWidth < 750 && window.innerWidth > 400){ defaultCardCount = 3}; if(window.innerWidth < 400){ defaultCardCount = 2}; const data = array.slice(0, defaultCardCount).map(company => `
Views: ${company.views}

Get Deal Now!
`).join(''); return data; } // card builder when 'More' is clicked function pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, page, array, container){ container.innerHTML = ""; if(page < 1){ page = 1}; if(page > totalPages(array)){ page = totalPages(array)}; if(window.innerWidth > 2000){ countPerPage = 5}; if(window.innerWidth < 2000 && window.innerWidth > 1800){ countPerPage = 5}; if(window.innerWidth < 1800 && window.innerWidth > 1450){ countPerPage = 4}; if(window.innerWidth < 1450 && window.innerWidth > 1100){ countPerPage = 4}; if(window.innerWidth < 1100 && window.innerWidth > 750){ countPerPage = 3}; if(window.innerWidth < 750 && window.innerWidth > 400){ countPerPage = 3}; if(window.innerWidth < 400){ countPerPage = 2}; // generates each card for(var i = (page-1) * countPerPage; i < (page * countPerPage) && i < array.length; i++){ container.innerHTML += `
Views: ${array[i].views}

Get Deal Now!
`; } // adds page of and total to display pageCountContainer.innerHTML = `${array.length} total ${page} of ${totalPages(array)}`; // dims pagination arrows, first page previous dims, last page next dims if(page === 1){ previous.style.opacity = "0"; }else{ previous.style.opacity = "1"; } if(page === totalPages(array)){ next.style.opacity = "0"; }else{ next.style.opacity = "1"; } } // previous page action function prevPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(currentPage > 1){ currentPage--}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, currentPage, array, container); } // next page action function nextPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(currentPage < totalPages(array)){ currentPage++}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, currentPage, array, container); } // tech previous page action function techPrevPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(techCurrentPage > 1){ techCurrentPage--}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, techCurrentPage, array, container); } // tech next page action function techNextPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(techCurrentPage < totalPages(array)){ techCurrentPage++}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, techCurrentPage, array, container); } // popular previoius page action function popularPrevPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(popularCurrentPage > 1){ popularCurrentPage--}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, popularCurrentPage, array, container); } // popular next page action function popularNextPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(popularCurrentPage < totalPages(array)){ popularCurrentPage++}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, popularCurrentPage, array, container); } // featured previoius page action function featuredPrevPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(featuredCurrentPage > 1){ featuredCurrentPage--}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, featuredCurrentPage, array, container); } // featured next page action function featuredNextPage(previous, next, pageCountContainer, array, container){ if(featuredCurrentPage < totalPages(array)){ featuredCurrentPage++}; pagination(previous, next, pageCountContainer, featuredCurrentPage, array, container); }